Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Scrapyard Finds


Britain's best known scrapyard has revealed some of the more unusual finds unearthed in scrapped vehicles, including sex toys, weapons, rats and living kittens.
Over the years Bolton breakers yard, The Scrappers - its name made famous in BBC1's reality show - discovered weird and downright wacky things left in vehicles that folk were getting shut of.
"We found quite a lot of sex toys," revealed boss Terry Walker.
"Vibrators, furry handcuffs and the like - and we recycled everything," he laughed. 
"We've found knives, guns - never a real one though, only a replica - and pellet guns. One looked real but wasn't."
The yard itself, based in Bolton's Waterloo Street, has been a hotbed of action - and that's been only too real! 
"We've had criminals running through the yard being chased by police," recalls Terry.
"And a few years ago I had a scrap yard in Bury. Suddenly a gang of criminals started running through the yard, carrying a box with smoke pouring out of it. I thought, 'what the hell is this'.  
"Anyway the police caught them and took them away." Terry never did find out what was in the box.
What he has uncovered over the years are rats - scores of them - which shocked him to the core. 
"These rats were living in a car about to be scrapped and I had no idea until I lifted the car with our grabbing machine Gloria," he explains.
"We went really high with that car - and then they all jumped out.
"They must have been at least ten metres high, but they all leapt out, hit the ground, going splat, but they didn't die. They just got back on their feet and ran off as though they'd been on a fairground ride. It was completely barmy. There must have been at least 20 of them."
A more pleasant find for Terry was a cute kitten which luckily was in good health and taken back to its owner.
"A few years ago we found a little fluffy black kitten hiding under the bonnet of a car we'd picked up.
"This poor thing had travelled all the way from Oldham to Bolton - a good 20 miles -  but fortunately it was in good health, bright eyed and bushy tailed.
"We searched on social media for the kitten's owner and eventually we found it belonged to a family in Oldham. We ended up taking it back home to be reunited with its mum."
The Scrappers is currently trying to raise money for the Bolton Royal’s Intensive baby care unit. 
They’ve launched a range of caricature mugs featuring members of the team hoping sales will raise £1,000.00. 
Smash & Grab Yours! 

Yard owner Terry explained why he holds the unit so close to his heart.
“My daughter Cathy Lee was born at 1lb, 9oz, doctors told us she wouldn’t survive but I never gave up hope. 
“Now she is 32-years-old, has two children of her own and runs her own successful beauty business, she’s a little bobby dazzler.
“That’s the reason why I always choose the baby care unit. They do a fantastic job.”
To donate please visit just giving page here
** Contact The Scrappers on (01204) 388488 or click the car 🚘

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